Our projects
Our company manufactures medical devices intended for diagnostics and therapy. Also we perform research and development for other companies on contract basis, take part in medical research initiatives funded by government as well as private institutions.
This section contains information about all main projects accomplished by us since the company was founded. Even though our projects had different objectives, a working prototype was created at the end of each project.
1994 Pulse oximeters "Elox"
1994 Heart Rate Stress Monitor "ELON-001M2"
1995 Pain Relief Electrostimulator with Automatic Bioregulation of Stimulus Duration "ELIMAN 401"
1995 Vasotropic electrostimulator "Elims-501"
1997 Electrostimulator "Angios"
1997 Patient Monitor "COROS 300"
1998 Peripheral Nerve Stimulator for monitoring of the depth of neuromuscular blockade
2000 The device for diagnostics by Nakatani and electrostimulation of biologically active points "Elkor"
2001 Portable pain relief electrostimulator "Eliman-206M"
2003 Neuromuscular conduction monitor
2004 Blood Pressure Monitor COROS ADM
2004 The new generation of pulse oximeters "Elox"
2004 The new generation of Pain Relief Electrostimulator "ELIMAN 401"
2004 The new generation of Vasotropic electrostimulator "Elims-501"
2005 Portable pain relief / muscle stimulator
2006 Microcurrent electroacupuncture computer stimulator "MEKS"
2007 Venous pressure monitor "IVD-03"
2008 The registration system of biorhythms in animals
2008 Portable ECG recorder
2008 Portable ECG recorder with data transmission via cellular communications
2008 Computer photoplethysmograph "Eldar" to assess the function of vascular endothelial
2009 Apparatus for electroconvulsive therapy "Timolon-01"
2011 Portable ECG Recorder with wirelessly data transmission (Xbee)
2012 Electroacupuncture computer stimulator "STEP"